TuneTown at NAC Symphony Hack

Hack the symphony with audacious new explorations of sound and symphonic classics through science and technology. Arrive early for a special Maker Faire Ottawa edition of TUNETOWN and tinker with unique inventions and instruments featured in the concert! Brought to you by the creative engines of the NAC Orchestra, Canada Science and Technology Museum, pHacktory, and Artengine.

Join us 45 minutes prior to the concert for a fun and interactive TUNETOWN Maker Faire. Activities will include a 3D printing demonstration of musical instruments with the Ottawa Symphony Orchestra, hands-on demos of the LITTLEBITS music modules and the MakeyMakey platform, an interactive musical sculpture, Johann Sebastian “Box”, an interactive sound station, a create-your-own tin can percussion activity and much more!

TUNETOWN pre-concert activities organized by the Friends of the NAC Orchestra.