Local Broadcast

In partnership with Youth Services Bureau and CHUO 89.1FM

The sound of place is a funny thing. It is hard to describe what a place might sound like, sometimes even hard to recall it, but it’s something we know. Apartment living sounds different than life in a bungalow and a cul-de-sac sound different than a thoroughfare. What are the sounds of your neighborhood? What would a portrait of the place where you live sound like?

This April Artengine begins a great new collaboration with the Youth Services Bureau (YSB), the West-End Youth Motivators (WE-YM) and CHUO 89.1FM to deliver a new program in the Michele Heights neighbourhood in the west end of Ottawa. Starting on April 29th artist and DJ Chris Ikonomopoulos will be working with a small group of youth leaders to create sonic portraits of their neighborhood. As the group progresses CHUO will be joining in to provide in studio skills and experience and help with the world premier of their sound project live during their 25th anniversary festivities on May 31st!

More about West-End Youth Motivators

The West-End Youth Motivators (WE-YM) are culturally diverse youth from the Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre’s catchment area who are committed to making a difference in their communities. The focus of WE-YM is to identify issues important to Ottawa youth, raise awareness and take action. WE-YM is supported by the Youth Services Bureau and the City of Ottawa through the Michele Heights Community Centre.