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Embracing Destruction: An Online 16mm Film Workshop with Cooper, Film Scientist

Embracing Destruction: An Online 16mm Film Workshop with Cooper, Film Scientist
Saturday May 27th, 1PM to 7PM
Online registration: maximum 4 participants
Registration fee for online workshop: $50 register here

This is the online component of an in-person workshop presented as part of LIFT’s Analogue Resilience Film Gathering

Presented by the Lightproof Film Collective (Ottawa) and Pix Film Collective (Toronto)

Workshop Description: Filmmakers are trained to take care of their film negatives and to protect the negative from dust, scratches, chemical stains and more. In this workshop, Cooper wants you to destroy your film’s emulsion and the images you have so carefully composed for you to discover art within a destructive process.

On the first day of the workshop, participants will have access to a Bolex 16mm camera and 50’ of 16mm 3378 black and white film with which to shoot their film; afterwards, participants will hand-develop their film using eco-developers. Participants will then manipulate their negative images using a variety of techniques, including bleach, fantastik liquid cleaner and extreme heat.

Required equipment for on-line participants: 16mm camera, 16mm projector, and a digital camera to digitize footage. Registrants will be mailed a 50’ roll of 16mm 3378 film stock and a list of materials in advance of the workshop.

Cooper is an Ottawa-based media artist. Their body of work includes films, HD videos, installations, and live performances. Cooper’s practice is heavily based on the technical aspects of the filmmaking process and they create their films using an array of techniques, including stop-motion, 2D & 3D animation, optical printing, film processing, and cinematography. Thematically, Cooper’s films are a reflection of their memories and are drawn from life experiences. Cooper is an award-winning artist and their work has been presented at festivals and art galleries across Canada and internationally.

Info: admin@lightproof.ca
Registration link: http://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkf-2orTssE9EVzaHUx3QXWW4Nd_kcHpmZ#/registration


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