


Calls for Submission

Gallery 101 Presents: Consumed Consequences by Dana Edmonds

Gallery 101 Presents: Consumed Consequences by Dana Edmonds

June 27 – July 27
Gallery 101 (280 Catherine Street, Ottawa)
Join us for the in-person vernissage:
Thursday June 27. 6:00 – 8:00 PM

Artist Talk (online with ASL interpretation): Wednesday July 24, 6:00-7:00 PM

Consumed Consequences by Dana Edmonds reveals the detrimental effects of overconsumption, mainly fast fashion, on mental health and the climate crisis. In this solo exhibition of oil paintings, screen prints, digital media, and video, Dana explores overconsumption and its connection to cognitive dissonance – a psychological tension that arises when our beliefs clash with our consumption habits.

Dana acknowledges support of Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec - Montréal, Conseil des arts de Montréal, and Canada Council for the Arts.

Gallery 101 is open Tuesday - Saturday
1:00 - 5:00 PM
(Closed Saturday, June 29 for the statutory holiday weekend)
No registration required
We ask all visitors to self-test for COVID prior to arriving. If you or anyone in your household has COVID or flu symptoms, please stay home.

Mask Days: Saturday July 6 & 20
Masks will be mandatory for G101 staff and all visitors on these two days.
We always have plenty of KN-95 masks in three different sizes available for free by the gallery entrance.


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