“Lyrical Abstraction” by Karen Wynne Mackay
Galerie Old Chelsea, Chelsea, Quebec
September 22 to October 11, 2023, Wednesday to Saturday 12 to 6 pm, Sunday 12 to 5 pm
Vernissage: Friday September 22, 2 to 5 pm
Galerie Old Chelsea is pleased to present the abstract paintings as inspired by “vessels” by Karen Wynne Mackay, one of the artist owners of the Galerie. The word vessel is one of the few words that pertains to objects as well as feelings. Vessels are the keepers of all things natural - air, earth, water, and light. They encompass so much that is necessary and meaningful in our existence. Vessels can also be seen as spiritual, made by our human experience or by Mother Nature.
Mackay’s pieces speak of energy, spiritual freedom, the joy of colour and movement but also of infinite vessels, keepers or holders of all things, including life and death. Her paintings are deeply manipulated surfaces, intertwined with coloured abstract markings that emanate from her calligraphic influences. She uses fluid, colourful layers, strong calligraphic marks made with handmade tools and various media, allowing the layers to conceal and then reveal until the composition is complete.
It’s a process of perception, discovery, and beauty.
Karen’s paintings can be found in private collections across Canada and primarily in Ontario and Quebec. She even has one hanging in the Ontario Legislature Building in Toronto Ontario. Karen also organizes and teaches workshops in mark making, calligraphy and abstract art.
Galerie Old Chelsea is a collective of regional artists located in the beautiful Gatineau Hills above Les Fougères restaurant
situated at 783 route 105, Chelsea, Québec, J9B1P1.
www.galerieoldchelsea.ca; Facebook: Galerie Old Chelsea (on Route 105, not on Scott)