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Variance at the Foyer Gallery

Variance at the Foyer Gallery

A difference between what is expected and what is observed.
From Sanskrit: difference, distinction, divergence, deviation, variation.

There could not be a better word to describe the work of the four artists represented in this exhibit. From abstract to highly representational, from human form to nature, from painting, to photography, to sculpture and jewelry these artists cover a broad sampling of what artists are producing today.

Roy Whiddon, a master of photographic art, captures subtle images of the female form. His photographs are an exploration of human beauty in both natural and architectural settings. Although some viewers might think of them as erotic, they are never prurient or pornographic.

Nancy Shaver paints in a geometric abstract style emphasizing the various forms with hard edges. She hopes that viewers get lost in her paintings and find their own interpretations of what they see which she finds is often at variance with her interpretation as the artist.

Luminita Serbanescu describes her paintings as stylized realism. It would not be amiss to note that they are impressionistic with significant symbolism and an emphasis on the interpretation of light. Her images often strike this viewer as grounded in a sense of joy.

Michael Parkin describes himself as an artistic dilettante dabbling in a wide variety of media and styles. Most of his work has a sculptural element and even his paintings are never strictly two dimensional. In this show Michael is featuring jewelry and sculptural pieces in metal.

Meet the Artists event Sunday May 28th 1 – 4 pm



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