


Calls for Submission

EXHIBITION "PRINT PAIRINGS", Ottawa School of Art -Orleans Gallery

Print Pairings: Colour vs Black and White
A group show by the Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective
The Ottawa School of Art, Orleans Campus Gallery is proud to present Print Pairings: Colour vs Black and White, a group show by the Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective. Works will be on display from May 14 to June 24, 2023 at the Ottawa School of Art’s Orleans Gallery located on the main floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre. Reception on Sunday May 28, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome!
In this exhibition, the artists present a pair of prints - one in black and white, and one in colour. The exhibition is an exploration of how the prints in each pairing complement and accentuate, or even challenge, each other. The prints are not necessarily the same rather, the artist matches two prints to demonstrate how they use colour versus black and white to convey separate meanings, place different emphases, create distinct moods, or express diverse emotions.
The artists are part of The Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers’ Connective; Ashley Andrews, Siobhan Arnott, Christine Belle-Isle, Valerie Bridgeman, Murray Dineen, Melanie Goguen, Deidre Hierlihy, Freida Hjartarson, Carol Howard Donati, Villia Jefremovas, Patti Lefebvre, Aileen Leo, Debra James Percival, Tina Petrovicz, Shealagh E Pope, Madeleine Rousseau, Kathryn Shaw, Beth Shepherd, Dale Shutt, Patricia Slighte, Katherine Stauble, Roger Sutcliffe, Lydia Uppington, Jennifer Waterman, Shirley Yik.
For more information on the Ottawa School of Art Orleans, its instructors, and classes visit or call us at 613-580-2765.
Ottawa School of Art Orleans campus Gallery located in the Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd. Orleans ON. K1E 0A1


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