electric fields |
champs electriques |
artengine | français | |
November 6th and 7th The innovation laced through the capital region is impressive, and this first edition of the Ottawa-Gatineau Mini Maker Faire is a chance to connect creative people from all over our region in a celebration of the DIY spirit. A Mini Maker Faire brings together families and individuals who celebrate Arts, Crafts, Engineering, Food, Music, Sustainability, and Science and those who embrace the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) spirit. At Maker Faire, the focus is on the process of making - not just the finished product. Check electricfields.ca for a full description of exhibitors, schedules of drop-in workshops and more |
Featured involvement will include: |
Workshop Presenters |
Jimmie Rodgersjimmieprodgers.comJimmie is a full time hacker, maker and circuit-bender based in Massachusetts. He designs open source hardware kits and teaches a variety of workshops. His work has been featured on Make several times and his kits are for sale on Sparkfun Electronics and at the MakerSHED. Some of his projects include the Atari Punk Console sound generator, the Open Heart kit, a programmable LED array in the shape of a heart and the LoL Shield, a charlieplexed LED matrix for the Arduino. |
Spins & Needleswww.spinsandneedles.com
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Exhibiting Makers and Organizations |
Mod LabNigel Vezeau’s projects include Arduino-based 3D mapping devices for measuring noise level and bike trail terrain in Ottawa along with the Little Blue Egg Flowerpot Grill featured on Makezine- a home-brewed mini grill made from two flower pots, old bearings and assorted parts. Darcy Whyte is a software designer who fabricated a unique rubber band powered airplane named the Squirrel. From it’s beginnings in Darcy’s software methodology it’s distinct aerodynamic features allows the plane to fly hundreds of feet and be built easily by people new to model aviation. Paul Mumby is an IT manager and web developer who constructed a custom-built RepRap 3D printer in three months from a RepRap Mendel model, a collection of parts and bartered electronics. The electronics used in the project are a blend of his design and one from an online community built around the Arduino microcontroller. Andrew Plumb is an electrical engineer and designer of 3D objects made on the CupCake CNC, an open source 3D printer from Makerbot Industries. His contributions to the Thingiverse and Shapeways communities allow for the integration of Dremel tools with the Makerbot. |
Kwartzlabkwartzlab.caKwartzlab is a Waterloo region makerspace with over 30 hackers and makers occupying a space of approximately 2000 square feet. With a focus at the intersection between arts and technology they have combined their efforts and represented at Waterloo's "DIYs & Djs", MakerFaire Detroit and hosted SoOnCon 2010. They'll be bringing their SoOnCon microcontroller badge, electronic art clock, Hillbilly Amplifier and a handheld Arduino-based Lunar Lander clone. |
Ubuntu Canadaubuntu-ca.orgUbuntu Canada is a group of dedicated Ubuntu users across Canada who have come together to provide a small, friendly support community for the opensource operating system. They became an officially-recognized Ubuntu Local Community (LoCo) Team in 2007 and will be offering information and support of the open source operating system initiative. |
Hacklab.tohacklab.toHackLab.TO is a Toronto community space with a diverse membership of artists, computer programmers, web designers, and hardware hackers. It is inspired by the philosophies of the global hackerspace movement, encouraging people to socialize, share knowledge, and work together on their projects. Physicist Sebastien Bailard and Robot Enthusiast Rob Gilson will be bringing their custom-built RepRap, a self-replicating 3D printer along a variety of wearable electronics, chorded keyboards and Arduino based projects. |
Robotgrrlrobotgrrl.com/blog/Erin Kennedy is a creator of social robots and her projects focus on inter-robot communication and human robot interaction. She will be bringing a humanoid hockey player robot with a disability known as MANOI and a roving "Yoda" rampage robot which has an ultrasonic sensor mounted on it to sense approaching objects that will be pitted against each other in a robotic hockey game. MANOI has appeared on Canada's "Daily Planet" show as well as Make: Online. |
Glowing Techglowingtech.comAndrew Argyle is a hardware and software designer who uses recycled and retro materials with modern microcontrollers, electroluminescent wire, high-powered LED's and antique displays to create Nixie clocks. His creations translate technological high points from the past century into robust precision timepieces of unusual appearance. |
OREwww.ottawarobotics.orgThe Ottawa Robotics Enthusiasts is a group of hobby robot makers who collaborate on fire-fighting, line-following, mini-sumo and autonomous robots armed with paintball markers and targeting systems. They will be bringing a few of their projects one of which is the Robomagellan, an autonomous robot built to navigate and avoid obstacles to over any terrain. |
The Ghettoblast SoundsystemThe Ghettoblast Soundsystem is an off grid, clean DC powered sound system project initiated in 2002 made up of Michael Caffrey and Kerry Campbell. The modularity of the Ghettoblast sound system allows for smaller arrangements of amps and speakers to be put together for a mobile street party system on a cart or remote concert system on bike trailers. |
Open Data Ottawawww.opendataottawa.caOpen Data Ottawa is a local initiative that's bringing together developers and designers to hack at city data made available to the public. Organizers Daniel Beauchamp and Edward Ocampo-Gooding will be showing off some of the awesome citizen-made applications built on city data, including one that turns bus stop schedules into music! |