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Soft Bodies | Marianne Burlew & Brianna Gluszak

March Group Exhibition at Wall Space
Soft Bodies | Marianne Burlew & Brianna Gluszak
Exhibition Dates: March 11 – April 4
Exhibition opening: March 11, 3-5 pm

Wall Space Gallery is proud to present Soft Bodies, an exhibition of works by Ottawa-based Marianne Burlew and Brianna Gluszak. Working in their respective mediums of digital art, textiles, and blown-glass, Burlew and Gluszak capture the vulnerabilities of social expectations and interactions in our contemporary world of digital communication. Both artists celebrate uncomfortable spaces within ourselves and amongst others; exploring the complexities of intimacy and gender constructs while reframing weakness as strength.

Stretching between the realms of tactile material and the virtual image, the works in Soft Bodies are charged with sentiments of cartoon absurdity, elasticity, air-brushed perfection, and bodily sensation. Both Burlew and Gluszak open up space for human moments of relatability and connection. Through alters of colourful worship, amorphous body-objects, or the sticky heat of an awkwardly-timed gaze we are invited to reflect on and accept our vulnerabilities and the opportunities they afford. Soft Bodies celebrates the contradictory strength of weakness.

Marianne Burlew is an installation artist whose work focuses on themes of identity via multi-sensory media such as video and sculpture. She received her MFA from the University of Waterloo in 2016.

Brianna Gluszak received a bachelor’s in fine art with distinction in glass from The Alberta University for the Arts 2016 and a Master’s in Fine Art from The Ohio State University in 2022.

358 Richmond Rd, Westboro Village in Ottawa, ON


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