

En cours

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Intro to Filmmaking

Intro to Filmmaking
4 sessions held between February 4th - 12th | 1 PM to 4 PM
DARC | 67 Nicholas Street
$150 members, $200 non-members

Intro to Filmmaking is a 4-part introductory workshop for artists who are interested in learning how to work with video. This hands-on workshop provides artists with camera, audio, and lighting basics from pre- to post-production. Under the guidance of filmmaker Aia Raafat, participants will gain experience handling equipment, learn how to set up for a video shoot, and complete exercises to simulate various shooting conditions and situations. Participants will work together in small groups to produce a short video.Topics include: pre-production, scripts and storyboards basics, camera basics, shooting techniques, lighting techniques, cinematography basics, audio production basics, and an introduction to video editing with DaVinci Resolve.

Please note workshop fees can be waived if access to funds is a barrier to participation. For more information, please email


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